How to support your employees through periods of seasonal illness

As winter begins to roll in, local businesses have a crucial role to play in supporting employees through any periods of bad health or during times when they are more likely to catch a bug or seasonal illness.

With the last two winters being a little different to others, this year we want to make sure everyone in our local community - including business owners and employees - can continue to enjoy all the simple things that still mean a lot to us.

So to help, here are a number of factors you can consider implementing in your workplace.

Allow unwell employees to work from home

If your employees feel well enough, allowing them to work from home when they’re sick will not only help speed up their recovery, but it’ll also help them prevent spreading germs to other members of the team.

Although this won’t be possible for all employees, it’s a great way to show you support and trust those that can.

Promote healthy snacking

During winter it’s all too tempting to reach for the festive treats, but it can lead to a dip in energy soon after.

Avoid your employees feeling lethargic and offer up some healthy, immune-boosting snacks such as fresh fruit instead.

You could also encourage staff to consider taking a Vitamin D supplement. Known as the ‘sunshine vitamin’, it’s essential for good bone health and helping those who suffer from a deficiency during the winter months.

Remind employees to stay active

With the bad weather and shorter days now here, motivating yourself to get active during the winter can be hard. That’s why there’s safety in numbers!

Organise walking meetings or a lunchtime cardio session at a nearby gym. You could also look at bringing in an outside instructor to organise physical activities that your team don’t even have to leave the office for.

Promote good office hygiene

Winter is no time to start slowing down the handwashing and reminders to ensure your employees sanitise their workspaces and communal areas of the office.

Make this easy for them by stocking up on sanitising stations, disinfectant wipes and sprays and handwash.

Keep tissues nearby, and bins with lids so they get rid of them immediately!

Balance air circulation and warmth 

This one is a bit tricky to get right during the colder months but crucial to help keep your employees well and comfortable!

Too warm and any germs in the room will start to flourish, too cold and your team are at risk of experiencing sore throats and respiratory problems.

Therefore, try and open the windows for at least 30 minutes and keep office and meeting room doors open when possible.

Encourage employees to get their flu-jab and COVID-19 booster

As new strands of the flu and COVID-19 continue to spread, keeping on top of vaccinations is an effective way to help prevent yourself and others from getting ill.

The best way to support your employees with this is by allowing them time out for their appointments, or you can also offer to cover the cost for those who aren’t eligible for a free flu jab. 

Download our Toolkit and print off our posters to display in common areas.

Hear what Medical Director Dr. Paul Fitzsimmons from Warrington and Halton NHS Foundation Trust has to say about staying well this winter.

Download our Toolkit and print our posters to display in common work areas, to remind your employees and customers of these simple things.

Brought to you by your local council and supported by the NHS in Cheshire and Merseyside.

Together with your local council and the NHS in Cheshire and Merseyside, we have put together a printable toolkit you can use in your place of work, send out to employees and ask customers to observe.